As we have entered into the “Heart Health Month” of February, this is a good time to practice your own self-care—the gift of giving yourself a Valentine: YOU.BETTER!
Keeping with the theme of the month, here are a few important “red letter” tips to keep YOU BETTER in mind.
Goal-Setting - Do It Consciously
* Remember the Why and Be The One Making the Choice/Change
This is important, because it gives you the motivation to make appropriate choices. For example, if you want to improve your financial well-being, don’t wait until you’re are flat broke! Most of us respond better to change when we have initiated it rather than it being thrust upon us.
* Journey Fulfillment
Work with what you can chew, don’t eat the whole thing at one time. Basically, start small. The goal is the end result, but the journey will be the strategy and choices you choose each minute, hour and day.
* Take the "New Year" Out of the Equation
Don’t pressure yourself with “New Year’s Resolutions”. You have a great gift each day! You have the privilege of waking up to live another day, to be you and to implement your goals. You are given every minute of the day to implement your goal strategies with the choices you make.
* Engage in Continuous Improvement (CI):
CI = Plan. Do. Study. Act. Make sure you are ready for your goal. Strategize what you’ll do to achieve your goal. Get started. Study your successes and failures. Act upon those lessons learned, and build upon the successes to achieve your goals and stretch them.
Timing, Intention, and Energy –
Are you Ready for the Goal?
* Timing is everything
If it is not a good time to implement something new, then you won’t have the energy and intention to focus on it. This also reflects back on the “why”: Why are you intent on achieving the goal? Is it urgent? If it is urgent, then maybe it should be your priority, even if the stars are not perfectly aligned. You’ll be the best judge. Just be honest with yourself.
* Complimentary Strategies – Linked for Your Success
Goals that complement each other can help in the success of reaching your goal. For example, if you are seeking to build your physical stamina, start out by getting more sleep each night: you’ll have more energy to engage in physical activity.
Keep Going - If At First You Don’t Succeed…..
Don’t pressure yourself with “New Year’s Resolutions”. The path to success is never a straight line. Be flexible enough to work around the detours that get in the way. Bottom line: don’t beat yourself up. Keep looking ahead to your next choice or day.
Enlist Support—Don’t Go It Alone
This can take on many forms ranging from joining an on-line forum, to downloading apps and finding tools to achieve your goals, to seeking professional assistance, or even scheduling time to talk to a friend.

Celebrate Success—
Rejuvenate and Readjust
Recognize milestones of achievement along the way. Don’t be afraid to modify your goals and adjust as needed. Maybe you can move on to a new goal once you have achieved the good habits built as you achieved your initial goal. Or continue to practice the strategies that helped you succeed up until now, to reinforce those good habits.
When moving beyond the stereotypical New Year’s resolution, it is more than a one-time event, but recognizing continual improvement as a way of life. Take time in that life to have fun along the way. You can always laugh at errors or faults in your path as you learn, grow and improve. Take heart in yourself. You owe that love to yourself.
YOU. Better! Studio has many modalities answers to assist you, such as Personal and Group Coaching/Training, Nutrition, Reiki and Meditation, Energy, and Chakra strengthening regimens to maintain, enhance, or rehabilitate energy, and Life and Career Coaching for You. Better! Email us at info@youbetterstudio, call us at 414-939-4996. You are also encouraged to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
For Those Who See Life Differently! Innovatively Ignited For Life!